Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Argument Points

  • Genetically modified (GM) foods increase the amount of production.
  • Modified crops eliminate the need for chemical pesticides, making healthier, pest-resistant food sources.
  • GM foods require less herbicides, which cut costs and create a healthier mixture of necessary external chemicals.
  • Scientists are creating crops that are resistant to common plant diseases, such as fungi and bacteria.
  • Certain crops, such as tobacco and potatoes, have been spliced with the natural antifreeze genes from some kinds of fish in order to avoid the toll of frosts on the plants.
  • Plants are also being modified to be compatible with droughts, high amounts of salt, or excessive water within the soil.
  • Some foods can be nutritionally improved through genetic engineering creating more incentive to allow lesser restrictions on research.
  • There have been sciences that have gone as far as putting edible medicines in different vegetables that can be supplied to countries with limited pharmaceutical medical supplies.


  1. I like all of your debate points. I think you will have a compelling, solid argument. I'll look out for your debate reflection!

  2. I like the information you provided, it was very concise and provided many examples. You made the benefits of genetically modified food very clear.

  3. I thought it was interesting how you said that "certain crops have been spliced with the natural antifreeze genes from some kinds of fish" in order to decrease the amount of frost. This seems like a really complicated and extensive method to perform. Anyways, I like how you expressed your position on GM foods and how you praised your opponent on her good preparation. Good job man.
